I don't think you really understand what I'm trying to say.

Web based systems require paging that does not iterate through all records.

What is required is a means to LIMIT the results read from the database but
at the same time know how many records WOULD have been returned if the query
was not LIMITed.

In this way it is then possible to display results to the user:

Displaying Page 15 of 25788 pages.

Record 1
Record 2
Record ...
Record 10

Previous Page Link | Next Page Link

LIMIT gives this great power (ie. I only want to read 10 record starting
from record 151) BUT I do need to know how many records there are in total
for this query in order to page correctly and display how many pages there
are to the user.

I'd rather SQLite reads on 10 records and not 100 million records into
memory, just to discard them all except the 10 the user needs for that page
of results?

Does this make sense?  Do you imagine Google loads 8 billions records into
memory when the user is just viewing 10 results in page 5 after a broad

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