On 26 Jun 2006 at 14:14, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> "Bernie Cosell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'll confess that I am an old-fashioned "hardcopy" kind of guy... are the 
> > sqlite3 docs available in any sort of reasonably-printable format?
> > 
> http://www.apress.com/book/bookDisplay.html?bID=10130

Hmmm... Since I don't really need 450+ pages of info, but just something 
akin to a crib sheet of the SQL that sqlite supports (which I'd guess 
would end up at about 20 pages if it weren't so difficultly-embedded in 
html files), the option of a fifty dollar book isn't really very useful 
to me. [BTW: no knock on Mike or on the worth of the book.  But: I'm not 
a beginner [either with Perl, SQL or SQLite] nor do I care hardly at all 
about SQLite's internals... I just need to know the SQL SQLite 
implements, and so virtually all of Mike's book is really not going to be 
of any interest or use to me... I'm just the wrong audience for it].

I guess I'll work harder at getting something readable out of the 
'lang.html' pages...  It looks like that if I cobble up a little script 
to take the pages linked out of lang.html and just delete the <table> and 
<h1> blocks at the start of each page it'll get me just the reference 
info, and after that a pass through HTMLDOC and I suspect I'll have 
something more in line of what I was hoping for...  I'll report back on 
how it goes in case anyone cares...   tnx!


Bernie Cosell                     Fantasy Farm Fibers
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]     Pearisburg, VA
    -->  Too many people, too few sheep  <--       

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