> I guess I'll work harder at getting something readable out of the 
> 'lang.html' pages...  It looks like that if I cobble up a little script 
> to take the pages linked out of lang.html and just delete the <table> and 
> <h1> blocks at the start of each page it'll get me just the reference 
> info, and after that a pass through HTMLDOC and I suspect I'll have 
> something more in line of what I was hoping for...  I'll report back on 
> how it goes in case anyone cares...   tnx!

You can generate a single file containing all the stuff linked by 
lang.html without too much difficulty. You'll need the lang.tcl and
common.tcl files from the www/ directory of the source distro. Try:

mkdir /tmp/sqldocs
cd /tmp/sqldocs
# ... copy common.tcl and lang.tcl to /tmp/sqldocs ...
tclsh ./lang.tcl > sql.html

Then simply launch hv3[1] and view the results. You'll still have to 
figure out how to print the html of course. 

[1] http://tkhtml.tcl.tk/hv3.html <a 


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