--- michael cuthbertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This qry is used to refresh a scrolling display where any of the constants
> are actually variables.
> The subquery returns about 1000 rows.
> Note that a LIMIT = 1 is only marginally faster than 32.
> Also, as the offset increases, the exec. time increases about 50% as fast,
> which I do not understand,
> since this would merely seem to be an index into the result set that should
> be low cost.

As an time and memory optimization, each row passing the WHERE criteria 
is inserted into a set of ordered rows of size no larger than OFFSET+LIMIT. 
So you can see that doing an insertion into a set of 855+1 ordered rows is 
little different than 855+32 rows in terms of speed. 

The explanation above does not cover the special cases where OFFSET
and/or LIMIT values are negative, but you get the idea.

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