On 7/21/06, chtaylo3 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Set the global variable sqlite3_temp_directory to any
>directory you want and it tries that directory first.

Ok, fair enough.  But why do you try and open the directory?  Why can  you
just try and create the tmp file there and deal with it if it's not allowed?

I'm asking becuase I have permissions for tmp folders (/tmp, /usr/tmp,
/var/tmp) set at a reasonable:
drwxrwx-wt   4 root   adm    4096 Jul 21 15:18 tmp/

/tmp : Temporary files

The /tmp directory must be made available for programs that require
temporary files.

Programs must not assume that any files or directories in /tmp are
preserved between invocations of the program.

Tip     Rationale

IEEE standard P1003.2 (POSIX, part 2) makes requirements that are
similar to the above section.

Although data stored in /tmp may be deleted in a site-specific manner,
it is recommended that files and directories located in /tmp be
deleted whenever the system is booted.

FHS added this recommendation on the basis of historical precedent and
common practice, but did not make it a requirement because system
administration is not within the scope of this standard.

/var/tmp : Temporary files preserved between system reboots

The /var/tmp directory is made available for programs that require
temporary files or directories that are preserved between system
reboots. Therefore, data stored in /var/tmp is more persistent than
data in /tmp.

Files and directories located in /var/tmp must not be deleted when the
system is booted. Although data stored in /var/tmp is typically
deleted in a site-specific manner, it is recommended that deletions
occur at a less frequent interval than /tmp.

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