Dr. Hipp,

Thank you very much for your earlier assistance.  As you suggested, I
downloaded the version 3.3.7 source code and built it into a static
library.  My application now correctly reports that it is using version

But sqlite3_interrupt() still seems to be doing nothing.  I added TRACE
statements to my code to show the times things happened, and I included
the value of the pointer to the sqlite3 object that was being used when
the query starts and as the argument to sqlite3_interrupt():

GetTrendData() started at Thu Aug 24 16:03:54 2006
; sqlite object is at 056B89E0.
select tag_key,value,datetime(value_timestamp, 'localtime') from
trend_view where trend_key=1 and value_timestamp <=
julianday('2006-08-22 16:01:41.000', 'utc') order by value_timestamp
Interrupt requested at Thu Aug 24 16:03:57 2006
 for object at 056B89E0.
GetTrendData() finished at Thu Aug 24 16:05:07 2006

Rob Richardson

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