I am having a problem with default behavior of ROWID not auto-incrementing.
I use the following to create my table:

   c TEXT,
   t TEXT,

When I insert into the table using just c, p and t, I see that ROWID is assigned auto-incrementing values, as I would expect. If I delete an entry (and in my test it was the last entry made), and then reinsert the same c and p with a different t, I notice that ROWID gets the value of the row I just deleted. I was hoping to get the behavior specified at http://www.sqlite.org/autoinc.html. where the AUTOINCREMENT keyword is not used. I have other elements in the table, but I left them out for this illustration. I want to be able to do relatively quick lookups of data by either p, c, or ROWID. But I need ROWID to auto increment until the largest 64-bit integer value is used and then follow the random search algorithm described in the previously mention web page. I suspect my problem is that specifying "UNIQUE(p,c)" has obviated the table's need for a unique ROWID.

I'm looking for a recommendation on how to specify the table such that ROWID gets the desired behavior and I can still do quick lookups by ROWID, p, or c.

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