I have not reach a point of creating a "maximum possible ROWID", I'm
only at three rows. The behavior I was desiring is:
If no ROWID is specified on the insert, an appropriate ROWID is
created automatically. The usual algorithm is to give the newly
created row a ROWID that is one larger than the largest ROWID in the
table prior to the insert.
If I actually specify AUTOINCREMENT, then an insert will fail when I
have reached the max row value, even if there are unused rows in the
table. So I don't want to specify AUTOINCREMENT.
Am I misunderstanding your point?
Mario Frasca wrote:
Dixon Hutchinson wrote:
[...] I was hoping to get the behavior specified at
http://www.sqlite.org/autoinc.html. where the AUTOINCREMENT keyword
is not used.
but you are getting quite exactly what is stated there:
«If you ever delete rows or if you ever create a row with the maximum
possible ROWID, then ROWIDs from previously deleted rows might be
reused [...]»
with AUTOINCREMENT you would get:
«The ROWID chosen for the new row is one larger than the largest ROWID
that has ever before existed in that same table»
where 'larger than' implies 'different from'...
which behaviour do you actually need?
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