For the last couple months I've been working on the ADO.NET vNext provider
for SQLite with support for eSQL, LINQ, etc (aka the Entity Framework).

I had a eureka moment today while struggling with the ADO.NET vNext bits as
it relates to SQLite's limited type support.  I thought I'd share, and see
if there's any interest in maybe modifying this idea to make it work in the
core engine through perhaps an enhancement to the sqlite3_decltype()

The crux of all of my problems are that SQLite only understands a limited
number of types.  The ADO.NET Provider tries to provide a much broader type
support system by inspecting the table definition during queries to do
automatic conversions from SQLite's limited types to a much broader set of

However, I can only do so much.  In the case of this query:

SELECT CAST(1 AS int), CAST (2 as smallint), CAST (3 as int)

The only information I have is the values.  They're going to be INT64
because SQLite tells me they are INT64 and I have no way to narrow the types
down to something more accurate because there's no table definition for me
to refer to.

Any time you use an aggregate function or some other function to return a
value that isn't backed directly to a table, the ADO.NET provider has no way
of providing enhanced types for you.

SO, I decided to try something outside the box.  I added pre-parsed SQL
statement "TYPES", that gets processed when statements are prepared in the
provider.  You can put it directly above any SELECT statement that you want,
to provide type-specific information about the columns a subsequent query is
going to produce.  Here's an example:

TYPES integer, smallint, float;
SELECT 1, 2, 3;

When the ADO.NET provider compiles these statements, it'll preparse the
TYPES keyword and apply those types to the SELECT statement that follows the
TYPES statement.  Now when the provider executes the SELECT, it will return
1, 2 and 3 as Int64, Int16 and Double.  I buried this code into the
functions that wrap the sqlite3_decltype() function.

So I got to wondering how hard this would be to implement in the engine
itself?  When you called sqlite3_decltype() on a statement like the above,
it could return the types declared in the TYPES statement rather than blank.


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