I have to admit that I'm a bit pissed of by your refusal to try out even the
tiniest bit of what you want to know. I assume your bit-wise questions mean
that you want to know one thing: is my database app fast enough using SQLite
off a thumbdrive? Just estimates:

2min: download SQLite
3min: compile and install SQLite
10min: hack a Perl script that fills a database with random data 10000 times
10min: hack another Perl script that reads the data 10000 times
10min: run your tests using "time" or a good ol' stopwatch

That is, within thirty-odd minutes you'd know more about this particular issue
than the rest of the list together. Instead, you try to make others think about
your problem for half a day.


Zitat von eWobbuh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> If you'll give me money i'll try that.
> Im not asking to try it for me, just wondering if anyone knows approx.

Markus Hoenicka
(Spam-protected email: replace the quadrupeds with "mhoenicka")

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