Hi !

I have an Windows application using sqlite that
gives me problem at a customer.

The customer lives far from me and he refuses
to have an internet connection at his office.

and I sometimes gets "database is locked".

I also get some "library routine called out of sequence".

My questions are what will cause the "database is locked"
- Is it enough that the table is opened in a SELECT ?
- How can I ensure that any other UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE
 is not locking the database, do I need transactions everywhere ?
 I only use one place in my code that does all sqlite3_exec() calls.

Also what is "library routine called out of sequence" ?
- I assume a sqlite3_exec() do not need any "closing"
- so its the sqlite3_prepare() or sqlite3_step() that misses a sqlite3_finalize() ?
- Any suggestion how to debug this ?

Any help would be great !!

John Martin Alfredsson

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