jima wrote:
> Thanks for the advice but it would not work either. I just tried with the
> flags you mentioned at compile time and full path when loading.
> Do you know if I have to enclose that full path in quotes or something at
> load time? like...
> ..load '/path/Extension.so'
> ?
> I tried several combinations of quotes but no luck here.
> I will recheck all what I have been doing just to make sure there is not an
> easy explanation for this...

Did you rebuild your sqlite3 shell without -DSQLITE_OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION
and does an ldd on sqlite3 indicate that has libdl.so linked, e.g.

 $ ldd ./sqlite3
 libdl.so.2 => /lib/libdl.so.2 (0x00402000)

Then that sqlite3 shell command should do what you want:

 $ ./sqlite3
 sqlite> load './Extension.so'


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