On Tue, 19 Dec 2006 13:52:19 -0500, you wrote:

>I've started to use SQLite and it works fine - except for performance. The
>application gets requests (possibly from many users) and does a few
>transactions on the database. (eg. create a context for the request; later
>it may be updated and when the user releases the record is deleted.)
>I tried all three sync methods and with FULL, NORMAL and OFF. For 100
>transactions (request / check / release) I see 800 open/close (in 1200msec),
>5800 lock/unlock (22 msec) and 600 (FULL - 17,000 msec), 400 (NORMAL -
>12,000 msec) or 0 (OFF) file flush operations. The latter is really slow but
>I understand it. (Have to wait for the actual disk operation to complete).
>For this particular application it would NOT be a problem to lose like 2-5
>seconds of transactions. I wonder if it is possible to tell SQLite to "hold
>off" the transactions, ACCUMMULATE them until a certain time (or if cache
>memory is exhausted - which is not yet the case as we have a modest
>database), then make a BIG COMMIT (ie. all previous transactions committed
>or none). That way it's still transactional (ie. no currupted database - I
>really don't want to use sync = OFF) but the I/O performance wouldnt slow
>down serving requests.
>Anybody has done that already? If yes, where can I find such modified SQLite
>I saw that all file I/O related calls are in two files: pager.c and
>vdbeaux.c so they are already well isolated and relatively easy to
>Any help for such "delayed" transaction method in SQLite?
>(I tried to find any relevant message in the email archives but came up
>Laszlo Elteto
>CISSP, System Architect
>SafeNet, Inc.

I wonder if shared cache would help you?

In general, in a high concurrency environment sqlite might not
be a suitable solution.
  (  Kees Nuyt

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