Yes, a pre processor, but not a wrapper.  A wrapper as I've seen from the site is simply a layer on top of the sqlite3 api. I've written my 
own wrapper.  I'm really looking to see if instead of inserting an additional 
layer, the actual code could be compiled inline into the sourcing C file, thus 
a pre processor. 
 I'll give this a quick first  pass when I get some free time, how difficult 
could it really be ? 
 would anyone be interested in this as a project?

John Stanton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: My understanding is that he is 
advocating a compiler which would take 
his definition of an Sqlite operation and generate correct Sqlite3 API 

An existing wrapper could well satisfy his requirement.

Joe Wilson wrote:
> I not sure what you mean by preprocessor, but if you mean a
> "stored procedure language", sqlite does not support an official one
> within the database itself.
> There are, however, dozens of bindings to computer languages
> in addition to the Tcl wrapper that ships with sqlite:
> --- Ken  wrote:
>>Does a preprocessor exist for sqlite and if so where ?
>> If not that might be a really nice project to be able to support 
>>syntax as follows:
>> SQLITE_EXEC at :loginhndl    login "dbname.db"; 
>> SQLITE_EXEC at :loginhndl declar cursor c1;
>> SQLITE_EXEC at :loginhndl prepare cursor c1 using sqlStr;
>> SQLITE_EXEC at :loginhndl bind x .... (not sure about this one)....
>> SQLITE_EXEC at :loginhndl fetch c1  into :hostvars ;
>> SQLITE_EXEC at :loginhndl close cursor c1;
>> SQLITE_EXEC at :loginhndl close database
>> ..... The list would go on and on, but you get the idea.
>> Ken
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