Shane Harrelson wrote:
However, in an effort to provide some useful performance data for
everyone, I'm making available the results of my testing with the
various suggested insertion algorithms below.  The fastest was my
"Hack" version, followed closely by the "Insert/Select/Insert" version
(which DRH agreed would most likely be the fastest "approved"
mechanism), with the "Insert+Ignore/Insert+Select" version proposed by
Dennis Cote, while being simplest, was the slowest.

     Windows     Embedded
     (ms)   (%)      (ms)     (%)
V0  2718    0       30233    0
V1  3014   10.89  32068   6.07
V2  3468   27.59  36275  19.98


Thanks for posting your benchmark data. Your testing method is impeccable.

I'm still surprised the two insert method is so much slower. But, with your 10% collision rate, it is doing a select as opposed to a call to sqlite_last_insert_rowid for the 90% of rows that don't collide. In then end, it seems that adds up to substantial time even when the pages are all cached.

Dennis Cote

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