Alex Cheng wrote:

I want to know how many time is spent when create a sqlite connection.
> Is it effeciency? My application creates a connection and close it
> when access DB everytime, is it OK?

Going by your sig, here are the times for Python 2.5 running under XP SP2 on a 1.6GHZ dual Athlon.

import timeit

t=timeit.Timer("C=sqlite3.Connection(':memory:')", "import sqlite3") print "%d us per connection" % (t.timeit(10000) * 1000000/10000)
90 us per connection

t=timeit.Timer("C=sqlite3.Connection('diskfile')", "import sqlite3") print "%d us per connection" % (t.timeit(10000) * 1000000/10000)
265 us per connection

The C times will be faster, but not by much.


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