Tim Anderson wrote:
I'm writing an article about SQLite and I'd love to get some comments
from users about why you use it. Performance? Features? Reliability?
Cost? Is the open source aspect important? Anything else? For that
matter, anything you really don't like about SQLite?

You can email me at tim(at)itwriting.com or comment here if you prefer -
but to use your quote I'd need at least a full name, what you do and the
company you work for

Thanks in advance for your help.

We are working on a project for the Census Bureau and needed an embeddable database that was zero configuration for the user and fast. We evaluated SQLite against numerous competitors and it came out on top for the following reasons:

1. No licensing costs. The application will be widely distributed at no charge to the user and therefore must be zero or minimal cost per license.
2.  Active support community.
3.  Mature library
4.  Source readily available
5. Zero config. One of our requirements is to ensure minimal burden to our users. 6. Fast. We have some requirements tied to performance, and SQLite met all of them handily.

John Elrick
Software Designer/Developer
Fenestra Technologies

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