On Thu, Jul 26, 2007 at 08:11:22AM -0700, Joe Wilson wrote:

> Try 
>   PRAGMA temp_store_directory = 'directory-name';
> Otherwise, the temp file location order for UNIX is:
>      "/var/tmp",
>      "/usr/tmp",
>      "/tmp",
>      ".",

Thanks, I'll try to. Although is rather temporar workaround than solution,
because there's a need to set it at every database connection.

As I can see, the order, in which sqlite is searching the "temp"
directories, is like the above. Someone from other list wrote, that sqlite
doesn't like, when "any directory in the database path isn't writeable" (is
it true?) - perhaps the same thing is related to any "temp" directory? Under
NetBSD there are /var/tmp and /tmp directories - but, of course, /var doesn't
have 777 (both /var/tmp and /tmp do). Perhaps this can make a problem?

If so - shouldn't be much more logical, to change the order of search to:

1. /tmp
2. /var/tmp
3. /usr/tmp
4. .

In such way, on the first place could be the only one directory, which is
always (if it does exist at all) both world-writeable and hasn't any
parent-dir, which can be not set to 777. Wouldn't it be a "final solution"
of the problem?
                                pozdrawiam / regards

                                                Zbigniew Baniewski

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