Hi Smith,

Is there any way where I can free the old pages and without using rollback
Because I'm much concerned about memory usage.

As soon as I delete some records, It should free up the memory.


On 8/1/07, Christian Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Lokesh Babu uttered:
> > Hello Folks,
> >
> > When I perform the DELETE operation on a Table using In-Memory Database
> > (":memory:"), the memory usage increases.
> >
> > I tried using PRAGMA auto_vacuum=1; /* result - nothing works */
> > Even I tried using VACUUM table_name; /* this too isn't work */
> >
> > if I perform DROP the table operation, memory usage works. Deleting the
> rows
> > doesn't work.
> >
> > Anybody please help me in resolving this.
> Memory usage goes up because SQLite must temporarily store copies of the
> old pages that store the deleted rows, in order to allow a future rollback
> if required.
> Once a commit is done, the old pages are free'd, but by that time the
> memory footprint has already increased. Not many libc implementations
> release heap memory back to the OS once it's allocated.
> --
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