Scott Derrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
When using the command line interface sqlite3, a couple of times I
have forgotten to use the "." before a command.  After that I get a
"...>" prompt  that I can't seem to escape from and accepts no
commands? My only choice is to shut down that terminal and start a new one..

There must be an easy  way to  get back to the command mode? And what
is the "...>"  mode?

"...>" is a continuation prompt. It allows you to type a long query on multiple lines. The shell does a simple parsing to see whether the text so far forms a complete statement - essentially, it looks for the final semicolon.

To get out of this mode, simply type a semicolon and hit Enter. Whatever you typed so far will be interpreted as a statement, most likely resulting in a syntax error.

Igor Tandetnik

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