The formatting on part of my response didn't turn out as I expected. I'll
try that part again:

Think of a vRecordset vector like this, as a vector of vRecord vectors:

vRecord0< Field0, Field1, Field2, FieldN >

vRecord1< Field0, Field1, Field2, FieldN > 

vRecord2< Field0, Field1, Field2, FieldN > 

vRecord3< Field0, Field1, Field2, FieldN > 

vRecord4< Field0, Field1, Field2, FieldN > 

vRecord5< Field0, Field1, Field2, FieldN > 

vRecord6< Field0, Field1, Field2, FieldN > 

vRecord7< Field0, Field1, Field2, FieldN >

Lee Crain


-----Original Message-----
From: Lee Crain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 1:45 PM
Subject: RE: [sqlite] Object Oriented Question About Adding a vector
inside the callback function


I was faced with a similar problem while writing a SQLite API wrapper for
our application programmers. 

My solution was this:

> I created a Field class that is a container than can hold ONE of several
different data types. 
> I created a Record class that consists of a vector of Fields and
supporting vector access services. (vector<Field> vRecord)
> I created a vector of Records as my Recordset. (vector<Record>

Think of a vRecordset vector like this, as a vector of vRecord vectors:
vRecord0< Field0, Field1, Field2, FieldN >
vRecord1< Field0, Field1, Field2, FieldN > 
vRecord2< Field0, Field1, Field2, FieldN > 
vRecord3< Field0, Field1, Field2, FieldN > 
vRecord4< Field0, Field1, Field2, FieldN > 
vRecord5< Field0, Field1, Field2, FieldN > 
vRecord6< Field0, Field1, Field2, FieldN > 
vRecord7< Field0, Field1, Field2, FieldN >

The x axis consists of the Field containers loaded into the vRecord

The y axis consists of the vRecord vectors loaded into the vRecordset

The Recordset vector is instantiated on the stack in application code and
before the SQLite API wrapper call. Then its ADDRESS is passed as an
argument to my SQLite API wrapper class method calls. Those calls store
the pointer to the vRecordset vector in a static vRecordset vector
pointer, then execute the "sqlite3_exec()" function call which triggers
the static callback function (at global scope) to read back the data from
the SQL queries. 

The callback function populates a Field class object for each field in the
received data. After all fields have been received (1 row per callback),
each of the Field class objects is loaded into a vRecord vector which is
loaded into the vRecordset vector ("pushback()" calls).

I don't see a way to make the callback function non-static. So, I didn't

OO programming is type specific. That presented a problem in the static
callback function because the data coming back is not type specific. So, I
solved that problem by creating a Field container that could hold any
datatype. For each query executed, I programmed my solution to know
exactly the order of (left to right) and the expected datatypes for each
field that is returned, so that the callback function can translate the
returned data to its correct datatype before loading that data into a
Field container. That way, when the application code receives a vRecordset
back from a read operation, it doesn't have to deal with the datatypes;
they're already correctly set inside each Field container.

With the exception of the static parts of my implementation, everything is
strictly OO. The breakthrough for me was to create a Field container that
could hold any datatype. Now, I have an interface that is not bound to any
particular tables or fields, which can receive and hold the data results
from any query. Even if our underlying database changes, my SQLite API
wrapper source code will not. 

I hope this helps,

Lee Crain

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Sutherland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 1:06 PM
Subject: [sqlite] Object Oriented Question About Adding a vector inside
the callback function

  I am using the 'quick start' C-styled code for sqlite3
  I think I'm running into a problem trying to put it in classes to make
it somewhat object oriented. So I'm asking for help about how to make it
object-oriented - or to confirm whether what I'm doing is object oriented.

  Here is the code:  
//callback function
  static int callback(void *NotUsed, int argc, char **argv, char
  int i;
  for(i=0; i<argc; i++){
    printf("%s = %s\n", azColName[i], argv[i] ? argv[i] : "NULL");
  return 0;
// this callback is referenced here.   
  void MyClass::executeSQLStatement()
 rc = sqlite3_exec(db, "select * from table1" , callback, 0, &zErrMsg);
  However I am trying to add a vector in the callback function to store
the results.  When I put the vector in it seems I am forced to do
something like this:
vector vecX;
static int callback(void *NotUsed, int argc, char **argv, char
  int i;
  for(i=0; i<argc; i++){
    printf("%s = %s\n", azColName[i], argv[i] ? argv[i] : "NULL");
  return 0;
  Now this doesn't seem object oriented ? 
Nor do I understand how I would access this  vector from other classes ? 
And I don't know how this vector which I created can be considered part of
the class ? it seems to me to only have page scope. 
  Any advice on how to make my vector object oriented or accessible by
other classes ? 
  Thanks in Advance 

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