On 4/09/2007 7:13 AM, Doug Currie wrote:
On Monday, September 03, 2007 Nuno Lucas wrote:
Maybe some OS specific error? Wasn't there some discussion earlier
about the Microsoft compiler not using the full double precision by

Microsoft C compilers store long doubles in 64 bits, just like
doubles http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/9c3yd98k(VS.80).aspx
whereas gcc stores long doubles in 96 bits and uses 64 bit mantissa
(80x87 "extended" type) versus Microsoft 53 bit mantissa.

Sqlite3 uses long doubles in round, and other functions, and so
results between Microsoft Visual C++ compiled and gcc compiled
versions of sqlite3 are bound to produce different results.

"different" means wrong, even if only by 1 ulp.

A correct answer should be achievable with 64-bit FP. The Windows distribution of Python is compiled with an MS C compiler; it manages to get the correct answer for Selena's test cases. The source for round() is trivially small, platform-independent, and just uses doubles. It relies on the C library floor() function (ceil() if negative). Rounding a positive number f to 2 decimal places is effectively as simple as floor(f * 100.0 + 0.5) / 100.0 ... worth borrowing, perhaps.

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