John Machin wrote:
On 5/09/2007 10:13 AM, John Stanton wrote:

John Machin wrote:

On 5/09/2007 6:18 AM, John Stanton wrote:

These are regular floating point numbers, and behave accordingly.

Utter nonsense. round(98926650.5, 1) -> 98926650.5000001 is a BUG.

Precisely,  As I said, regular floating point.

"regular floating point" does not cause such bugs; read the remainder of my post. The bug is in sqlite or in some library routine that it is using.

Precisely. To stay out of trouble treat floating point implementations as platform specific.

98926650.5 is representable EXACTLY in "regular" floating point.
The round function should calculate a scale factor (10.0) in this case, and then:

shifted = 98926650.5 * 10.0 // i.e. 989266505.0, with no loss of precision
floored = floor(shifted) // result: 989266505.0 (no change)
answer = floored / 10.0 // result: 98926650.5, exactly

And here, using Python as a calculator and exemplar, is what should happen with Selena's second case:

| >>> original = 85227887.01
| >>> original
| 85227887.010000005
| >>> shifted = original * 10.0
| >>> shifted
| 852278870.10000002
| >>> floored = float(int(shifted))
| >>> floored
| 852278870.0
| >>> import math
| >>> math.floor(shifted)
| 852278870.0
| >>> answer = floored / 10.0
| >>> answer
| 85227887.0
| >>>

Serena Lien wrote:

I have read some of the postings/faq about the difficulties with the round
function, when certain numbers do not have a finite representation in
binary, which SQLite uses. eg 9.95 is actually 9.9499...etc so that round(
9.95, 1) rounds down.

But, I have found several numbers which don't get rounded at all, and in
fact return more decimal places!

round(98926650.5, 1) -> 98926650.5000001

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