You have to know the encoding of the user input. To do that, all your
html forms _MUST_ have proper <META> tags, and as you will be using
SQLite, the obvious encoding choice will be UTF-8 (because that way
you don't need to do any conversions when feeding/retrieving data
to/from SQLite).

Then there is the problem of non-compliant browsers, but that is
another history...

Best regards,
~Nuno Lucas

On 9/20/07, P Kishor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Folks,
> I come to ask you a question that may be basic for many of you but is
> leaving me completely bewildered. My work environment is a Mac OS X
> (Tiger) computer, and I use a Cocoa-based text editor, and am writing
> a Perl-based web app. Data are in several different languages,
> predominantly English, but with Portuguese, Spanish, and other
> languages mixed in... hence, have accent marks (diacritics).
> Goal: To reliably and consistently show the retrieved data in a web
> page or a web form with the correct diacritics, and when the user
> edits and updates that data, reliably and consistently update the
> database.
> Summary of problem: Data with diacritics show up fine in web forms,
> but on updating, they get clobbered with gibberish and subsequently
> show up incorrectly.
> So, I decided to do a little test. I created a small table, wrote a
> script, and inserted a few records from the web. See the output of my
> investigation below. I ask you, what is it that I have to do to
> achieve my goal above? (output of test follows; I have separated
> logical sections with a "-------" line, and my comments start with #)
> Lucknow:~/Data/ecoservices punkish$ sqlite3 entities.sqlite
> SQLite version 3.3.8
> Enter ".help" for instructions
> sqlite> .s
> CREATE TABLE tbl (a text);
> sqlite> select * from tbl;
> the first record
> é ç ñ î
> more from 3rd row
> row four
> these "volunteered" activities
> <á ø ã ü î & others>
> -----------------------------
> sqlite> .mode csv
> sqlite> .output foo.csv
> sqlite> select * from tbl;
> sqlite> .q
> Lucknow:~/Data/ecoservices punkish$ less foo.csv
> "the first record"
> "\351 \347 \361 \356"
> "more from 3rd row"
> "row four"
> "these \223volunteered\224 activities"
> "<\341 \370 \343 \374 \356 & others>"
> foo.csv (END)
> -----------------------------
> sqlite> .mode html
> sqlite> .output foo.html
> sqlite> select * from tbl;
> sqlite> .q
> Lucknow:~/Data/ecoservices punkish$ less foo.html
> "foo.html" may be a binary file.  See it anyway?
> <TR><TD>the first record</TD>
> </TR>
> <TR><TD><E9> <E7> <F1> <EE></TD>
> </TR>
> <TR><TD>more from 3rd row</TD>
> </TR>
> <TR><TD>row four</TD>
> </TR>
> <TR><TD>these <93>volunteered<94> activities</TD>
> </TR>
> <TR><TD>&lt;<E1> <F8> <E3> <FC> <EE> &amp; others></TD>
> </TR>
> foo.html (END)
> -----------------------------
> # below foo.html in my Cocoa-based text editor
> <TR><TD>the first record</TD>
> </TR>
> <TR><TD>È Á Ò Ó</TD>
> </TR>
> <TR><TD>more from 3rd row</TD>
> </TR>
> <TR><TD>row four</TD>
> </TR>
> <TR><TD>these ìvolunteeredî activities</TD>
> </TR>
> <TR><TD>&lt;· ¯ „ ¸ Ó &amp; others></TD>
> </TR>
> -----------------------------
> # below foo.html in Safari; I added <TABLE> tags to format correctly
> the first record
> é ç ñ î
> more from 3rd row
> row four
> these "volunteered" activities
> <á ø ã ü î & others>
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