Richard Klein schrieb:
Joe Wilson wrote:
--- Richard Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Joe Wilson wrote:
Just implement it and run the test suite.
It's easier to respond to a specific problem than a hypothetical.
Is the test suite available only in Tcl?  Or is there a C version
as well?


But you don't have to run the test suite on the embedded system necessarily.
You can simulate it on a PC with the same code.

Yes, I was just thinking the same thing.

My company develops middleware for set-top boxes.  Since we don't want to
rewrite our middleware for every different brand of box (each with its own OS), we have specified our own box-independent OS layer, which we call the "Porter". The Porter, like SQLite's "os_xxxxx.c" layer, needs to be re-implemented for each different kind of box. I am implementing "os_porter.c", which will allow
SQLite to run on top of Porter (and therefore on any box we support).

Naturally, we have written a version of Porter that runs on Windows, so that
we can develop, run, and debug our middleware on an ordinary PC.  Since Tcl
runs on Windows, I should be able to use your test suite to test my implement-
ation of "os_porter.c" on a PC.

It would be nice to be able to run the test suite on the various boxes, but
I don't think that will be necessary.  Experience has shown that when our
middleware behaves differently on a box than on a PC, the difference is
almost always due to a bug in the box's Porter implementation, and *not*
to a bug in the middleware.

If your Porter layer is basically providing POSIX services you might be able to compile Tcl for those boxes natively from the Unix source (maybe needs some autoconf or compat stuff, but in general Tcl is extremly portable and runs on small devices (a modified version runs on most CISCO routers for example).


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