John Stanton wrote:
Are you certain that you need to run a full suite of tests on Sqlite to verify that your compatibility layer is correct? How about developing a test suite for your porting layer If it works identically on each platform you can have confidence that your overlaid software will also work.

We do have a test suite for our porting layer that we require
to execute flawlessly on each platform.

That's why I'm thinking that it would be sufficient to run the
SQLite Tcl test scripts on our WIN32 platform only:  A success-
ful test run would mean that my implementation of the SQLite
compatibility layer is correct on WIN32, and so is probably
correct on *all* platforms, since the only difference between
platforms is the porting layer, and that has already been
independently verified.

As I mentioned in a previous email, the above reasoning has
been vindicated by practical experience:  Whenever we find
a difference in behavior between the WIN32 platform and
platform 'X', the difference is almost invariably due to a
bug in the porting layer for one of those two platforms.

- Richard Klein

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