--- Richard Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Joe Wilson wrote:
> > --- Richard Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> I should be able to use your test suite 
> > 
> > s/your/the/
> > Sqlite and its test suite are drh's work.
> Hmm ... Somehow I got the impression that the team of SQLite
> core developers had expanded to include a few folks in addition
> to drh, and that you were one of them ...

I think drh would take offense to that.  ;-)

Don't confuse my mailing list blathering with being an sqlite developer.

> Actually, they're *current* customers -- millions of them.
> New versions of our middleware are pushed out to their boxes in
> the middle of the night.  So once we incorporate SQLite into our
> middleware, there will suddenly be millions of new SQLite users --
> literally overnight.

Very cool.

Maybe running the tests on the same hardware would be wise before
it's pushed out.  ;-)

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