A classic solution to that problem is not to perform updates but to insert transactions, The concept of log file systems to give concurrency is worth scrutiny.

Richard Klein wrote:
As I was thinking about the locking mechanism in SQLite 3,
it occurred to me that the following race condition could

Imagine a joint bank account with a balance of $10,000.
The wife makes a withdrawal of $1,000 at ATM 'A' (serviced
by process A in the bank's mainframe), while at the same
time the husband makes a deposit of $1,000 at ATM 'B'
(serviced by process B).  The steps performed by each
process are as follows:

Process A
SELECT balance FROM accounts WHERE accountId = '123-45-6789';
UPDATE accounts SET balance = <balance - withdrawal>
                WHERE accountId = '123-45-6789';

Process B
SELECT balance FROM accounts WHERE accountId = '123-45-6789';
UPDATE accounts SET balance = <balance + deposit>
                WHERE accountId = '123-45-6789';

Both processes open the accounts database, obtain SHARED
locks, and proceed at about the same pace.  Process A
updates her local cache with a new balance of $900, while
process B updates his local cache with a new balance of

Now suppose B gets to the COMMIT first.  He tries to get a
PENDING lock and succeeds.  He then tries to promote his
PENDING lock to EXCLUSIVE, but gets a SQLITE_BUSY instead,
because process A holds a SHARED lock.  So, he goes to sleep,
hoping that when he awakens the SHARED lock will be gone.

Meanwhile, process A reaches her COMMIT, tries to get a
PENDING lock, but gets a SQLITE_BUSY instead, because
process B already holds a PENDING lock.  Process A then
releases her SHARED lock (so that process B can be promoted
from PENDING to EXCLUSIVE and do his commit), and goes to
sleep, hoping that when she wakes up the PENDING lock will
be gone.

Process B then wakes up, finds the database UNLOCKED, obtains
his EXCLUSIVE lock, commits his local cache's balance of
$11,000 to the database, releases his lock, and exits.

Process A then wakes up, finds the database UNLOCKED, obtains
an EXCLUSIVE lock, commits her local cache's balance of $9,000
to the database, releases her lock, and exits.  *The database
now erroneously shows a balance of $9,000.*

The problem is that the moment that process B commits his local
cache's balance of $11,000 to the database, he causes process A's
local cache to become *stale*, i.e. inconsistent with the database.

After scouring the documentation, I came across the following


which seems to describe the exact scenario I described above.
According to this article, SQLite has been fixed so that if
a process encounters a SQLITE_BUSY during an explicit trans-
action, then the transaction will *automatically* be rolled
back, and the app will receive an error code of SQLITE_IOERR
*instead of* SQLITE_BUSY.

I understand this to mean that whenever coding an explicit
transaction, the programmer must always be prepared to receive
an SQLITE_IOERR when stepping through any SQL statement, and
must deal with this error by going back to the start of the
transaction and starting over.

- Richard Klein


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