Trevor Talbot wrote:
On 10/25/07, Richard Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Trevor Talbot wrote:
The thing is, SQLite's synchronization mechanism is simpler than most
full-featured SQL databases.  In all cases, the point is that if you
are attempting to do simultaneous writes from two connections, each
connection must be prepared to receive an error, rollback the
transaction, and try again.  Personally, I don't see anything terribly
 > complicated about that.

It's not complicated at all.  It's just an aspect of database programming
that I was unaware of, until now (I'm a database newbie).

You're also implementing SQLite's locking system for your own
platform, so you need to be concerned with these details anyway.
You're not just blindly implementing it, you're also verifying your
understanding of the goals and taking the time to question SQLite's
behavior to make sure everything is correct.  I think that's
absolutely wonderful.

Thank you for understanding that!   :-)

- Richard Klein

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