
As a developer who is new to SQLite, I'll say that my initial experience with the web site was that it was very busy and confusing. The available documentation seems to have a great deal of useful content, but I think would be more useful if it were organized, say into "Non-Technical," "Using SQLite," and "Development of SQLIte."

As for my impression of the home page, I found the quick feature list very useful. It told me everything I needed to know. As an improvement, I'd put the non-technical stuff higher up in the list, though. Even as a developer, until I saw that 1) it was free, 2) it was zero-config, and 3) it was well tested, I didn't really care that transactions were ACID or that it was written in ANSI-C. After I confirmed 1, 2, and 3, all that other stuff became a lot more interesting. The new home page seems to sparse to me.

I also like a one-column approach similar to the new sample web pages. The two column approach seems very busy, and I'm not sure where to look. As a native English reader, my mind wants to start on the left of the existing web site, but the highly structured content of the right-most column draws me there.

Those are my three pennies.



On Nov 9, 2007, at 6:51 PM, John Stanton wrote:

How about having adding a social networking capability so that non- technical people will have a reason to use the website. You cannot expect to attract them with a frugal and highly functional embedded database library.

That is hilarious.

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