it has been my experience that the outfits who use Harold down at the Golf Club or Snake and Lizard at the Pub to give the management their "Microsoft Only" policy are not ready to make an exception to that policy for Sqlite.

Wilson, Ron wrote:
That sounds great and all, but lucky you that you get to work in an
office that actually lets you install firefox.  Many corporations
severely limit user freedom on company hardware.  I'm not one of them,
but I have many friends that work in these environments where only
'authorized' tools are installed on their systems for them by IT folks.

Which brings us back to the question of audience.  It is not just the
coders that need to see the site.  We have to be able to 'sell' SQLite
to managers and stakeholders that wouldn't know firefox (or databases)
from a hole in the ground.  Often a glossy looking website (that works
in most browsers) is enough to reassure them that the code base is not

"Hey boss - we want to use SQLite."
"Sure what can you tell me about it?"
"If you just install firefox, I'll show you their website."


Ron Wilson, Senior Engineer, MPR Associates, 518.831.7546

-----Original Message-----
From: John Stanton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, November 09, 2007 2:51 PM
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Suggests for improving the SQLite website

To spend time working around IE deficiencies is rather futile when a simple fix exists for all users - load Firefox. It is a change which is

good for them in other ways so it is a Hippocratic change - "First, do no harm".

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