Dennis Cote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Can you please tell me what
> > other databases do with this:
> >
> >    CREATE TABLE t1(a,b,c);
> >    INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1,2,4);
> >    SELECT a+b AS c FROM t1 WHERE c==4;
> >
> > In the WHERE clause, should the "c" resolve to
> > the column "c" or to the "a+b" expression?  I'm
> > guessing the "a+b" expression.  But SQLite is
> > currently resolving the name to the column "c"
> > in table t1.  Thus SQLite currently answers
> > "3" to the SELECT statement, when I think it
> > should give an empty set.  Or maybe it should give
> > an error?
> >
> > Opinions, anyone?
> >
> >
> >   
> According to the where clause definition in the SQL:1999 standard the 
> "c" in the where clause should refer to the column in table "t1" which 
> is the result of the preceding from clause. To conform to the standard 
> SQLite should return 3.

I never would have guessed things worked that way.  But then
again, SQL is not noted for making a whole lot of sense.

So it appears that a bug in my implementation cancelled out a
bug in my understanding of SQL.  How often does that happen:
two bugs cancelling each other out perfectly....

Dennis:  In the developers chatroom, Dan Kennedy is marvelling
at your ability to read and decypher standards documents....

D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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