> I'm programing in C, new to SQLite, in Windows, with the Pelles C Compiler
> for Windows.

> It works well. BUT, when I try to put this code in a Win32 application, like
> inside a WinMain procedure, for example, a strange behavior happens:
> everytime sqlite3_exec finds exactly more than 3 records in the database, it
> gives an "Access Violation" error. Pelles C's debugger gives "Exception:
> Access Violation", apparently in NTDLL.DLL. It happens with any database of
> any size, as long as SELECT returns more than 3 results. We tested it in 2
> computers Windows XP Pro (one of them 2.4 GHz and 1GB RAM, and the
> other 1.1GHz and 384 MB RAM), and, in both of them, the error happens
> every time
> SELECT finds more than 3 records (so, I could never have noticed it if I had
> tested it only with SELECTs that return 3 or less results); we tried to
> increase Stack Reserve size, but no difference. Important to notice is the
> fact that it works fine in a Console application, and also in sqlite3.exe it
> works fine.

You'll need to get more information out of the debugger, like a stack
trace. Alternatively, scatter MessageBox() calls through your code to
find out where it is when it runs into trouble.

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