"Trevor Talbot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > test.exe: WinMain( ) + 71
> > sqlite3.dll: sqlite3_exec( ) + 154
> > sqlite3.dll: sqlite3_column_text( ) + 1A
> > sqlite3.dll: sqlite3_data_count( ) + AC
> > ntdll.dll: RtlEnterCriticalSection( ) + B
> Hmm, looks like a fault within SQLite's internal mutex handling. What
> version of sqlite is this, and did you compile it yourself? I'm
> wondering if it's not a compiler-related bug.

sqlite3_data_count() never touches a mutex.  sqlite3_data_count()
consists of 3 lines of code that extracts a value from the structure 
that is passed in as its only parameter.

Furthermore, sqlite3_column_text() does not call sqlite3_data_count(),
either directly or through intermediate subroutines.

So I would be very suspicious about drawing conclusions from the
stack trace above.

D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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