Ion Silvestru <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
SW: Richard,  We have written to you directly before to ask you to stop the
FUD and incorrect statements, and you have chosen to continue. I suggest you
not waste everyone's time by circulating deliberately misleading
I think you are very aggressive and I think you must apologise to, not
only Richard, but to us (just see previous messages about DeviceSQL,
full of suppositions).

Thanks for posting, Ion.  I too found Steve's remarks to be
rather insolent.  But I was just going to let it go.  Seeing
your response was an encouragement to me since it shows me
that I am not the only one who feels that way.  Thanks!

Unfortunately, Steve Weick might not see your comment
since he appears to have unsubscribed from the mailing list
immediately after sending his inflammatory missive.

These were no "FUD and incorrect statements", nor "misleading
information", these were only suppositions, and this is because it's
hard to find real technical information or specifications on DeviceSQL, only
marketing information. Maybe DeviceSQL is a good product, but absence
of real info and abundance of marketing make us think and suppose
various things (just see previous messages).

All of us are waiting for what Richard stated:
"If you view their web presentation and/or try out Encirq's
products, I would be very interested to hear your impressions.
Even better would be if you could blog about it."

Even better if all of us can have access to this web presentation, to
find out maybe more technical info about DeviceSQL.

Any way, thank you.

D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Methinks he doth protest too much.

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