This also is an anecdote from some time back. As we were signing a fairly significant software contract with a large organization their manager told us "You guys know nothing about marketing. Your presentation was unprofessional, no glossy brochures, no audio visuals and we would not have bought except that you were the only ones who convinced us you could do the job". We just smiled and watched the ink dry while we pondered "where did we go right?".

The simple truth is that if you hype a product and sell it into an area where it is inadequate your triumph is short lived and the scorn and litigation enduring. On the other hand if you deliver a solution which works as well, or preferably better, than proposed you have generated raving fans who will buy again and endorse your product to all and sundry. Which is the better model?

Fred Williams wrote:
This discussion reminds me of another long, long ago in a galaxy far,
far away. (When I worked on "Mainframes" with 32 K or less "core"

Discussing the then lopsided world with my non-IBM salesman, in a local
watering hole, after a particularly trying day of dealing with
"management."  The topic was the state of the computer industry at that
time. (And yet today.)

I was complaining of managements' complete lack of ability to see the
superior to IBM technology, (IMHO) and cost effectiveness we had
installed.  That is when I learned of the non bits and bytes "real
world."  My late salesman friend said,  "Fred, don't you understand that
the computer industry is a Marketing industry based on technology, and
not a technology industry?"

Thirty years later nothing could be truer.  No matter how much things
change, they still stay the same...


Running Windoze XXXX on a "PC".
I know, I know it should be Linux on a Mac.  But I live in the "real
world" today.
I rest my case.

-----Original Message-----
From: D. Richard Hipp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2007 7:04 AM
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Improving performance of SQLite. Anyone heard of

On Dec 14, 2007, at 9:24 PM, Lynn Fredricks wrote:

That's true. A lot of those kinds of sales presentations
are correctly
targeted at decision makers that make financial decisions. I don't
it a bad thing - it's really a necessity to be competitive.

My intent is  to provide complete detailed technical information
about SQLite, including its limitations and faults, and honest
comparisons and even recommendations of other products
(including, but not limited to DeviceSQL).  My intent is to avoid
sophistry, misrepresentation, exaggeration,  and hype.
This intent is sometimes imperfectly executed, but it is my goal.

If that means that SQLite is uncompetitive, then so be it.

D. Richard Hipp

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