On Mon, Jan 07, 2008 at 03:29:21PM -0800, Darren Duncan wrote:

> The job of a DB isn't just storage of your data, but also to ensure 
> that the data it stores is always conformant to the types and 
> restrictions or business rules that you tell it applies to the data, 
> so that the data can be trusted.
> It makes a lot of sense for a DBMS to be smart and to do a lot of the 
> data-centric work itself.

Yes, _I_ agree, that it's not just "job of storage". Just for storage
purposes a plain file (or .dbf) can be quite enough in most cases.

> However, that doesn't mean that the DBMS 
> has to have a large laundry-list of built-in functions, but more that 
> it provides the means for users to define the types and business 
> rules that it wants the DBMS to enforce for data, and routines for 
> data processing tasks. [..]
> I don't see that auto-strip is a good candidate for that list ... not 
> enough of a case for that being generally useful, or too many cases 
> for why it would be a mis-feature whose use should not get the 
> encouragement from it being built-in.

OK, I understand. It was just a proposal, anyway.
                                pozdrawiam / regards

                                                Zbigniew Baniewski

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