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Rick Langschultz wrote:
> I was wondering what would constitute the creation of SQLite 4.0?

An incompatible API, or significant behaviour changes.

> Since the VDBE is being revamped I would consider this a pretty big
> revamp of the SQLite code. 

The VDBE is not visible outside of the SQLite library except when
EXPLAIN is used.  It is immaterial to you as a user of SQLite as long as
it is correctly implemented.  For example if SQLite started counting
internally using roman numerals but still always gave correct (decimal)
results then it doesn't matter.

> I also wanted to know what the difference between stack based and
> register based is. Unfortunately, i do not mess with a lot of C / C++
> code in my work. So I was a little curious.


Except for trivial ones, all virtual machines have a stack.  For example
it is how you implement recursion with the stack growing and shrinking
as you enter and leave "functions".  It is also where intermediate
values are stored.  Expressions are "compiled" to work on the stack.
For example something like b+2*c would become something like:

  push b
  push 2
  push c

To understand this well, I strongly recommend looking up the Forth
programming language and a few Forth tutorials.

Stack based virtual machines as above are easy to understand and
implement.  However there is a limit to their performance.  Every
operation manipulates the stack and you can end up with a lot of stack
manipulation code as operations such as add and multiply in the example
above only work on the top operands of the stack. You also have to be
careful when generating the opcodes that you don't overflow the stack,
and that functions return the stack in the same state they found it (it
would be disastrous if there were more or less entries on it).

Real hardware uses both a stack and registers.  Registers are a fast
temporary storage location, but you can still use the stack.  For
example an x86 processor in 32 bit mode has 8 registers.  For virtual
machines there is no need to limit how many registers there are.


Current best practise in compilers is to use registers (and has been for
many decades).  Look up three address code and SSA as well as the
optimisations they allow.  It is also easier to JIT register based code.

Virtual machines up to and including Java tended to be stack based.
.NET, parrot, llvm etc are all register based because of the advantages.

In the case of SQLite I suspect that being register based will result in
fewer operations per program and each operation will execute faster (no
futzing with the stack).  You can try it for yourself by using EXPLAIN
in 3.5.4 vs CVS.

Here is a good description of why the Parrot VM used register rather
than stack:


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