Hi Stephen,

> I should note that there's a gross inefficiency when using triggers  
> to handle updates or deletes against views; SQLite does the  
> equivalent of this:
> For UPDATE <view> ...  WHERE <condition>,  SQLite copies the entire  
> source view into the temp table.
> SELECT * INTO <temptable> FROM <view>
> Then, it iterates over <temptable>, looking for rows that match  
> <condition>, and *then* runs the trigger on them.  This means that  
> if your source view is large, this will run slowly.

That's horrendous, and surprisingly (and exponentially) inefficient  
for such otherwise efficient software.

> I submitted a patch a long while ago to optimize this by turning the  
> initial temp-table population into "SELECT * INTO <temptable> FROM  
> <view> WHERE <condition>", which worked much faster

Great thinking.

> but I don't think anything came of it.

I'm hoping it will now that Dennis has suggested mechanisms ;-) Thanks  
for your efforts.


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