BareFeet wrote:
> No, I have no MS legacy or habits. I use the  
> square brackets for identifiers because I find that using double  
> quotes doesn't catch errors. If I say select "column name that does  
> not exist" I get a string back. But if I use square brackets SQLite  
> gives me an error that the column doesn't exist, which is far more  
> useful, especially when embedded in some function.


Yes I'm aware of that issue. It's an unfortunate side effect of SQLite's 
mySQL compatibility extension that supports double quotes for string 
literals. It's sad that because of this extension, you need to use the 
MS compatible extension for identifiers so that you get useful error 

It would be nice if SQLite added a pragma that could be set to disable 
the non-standard extensions. It would have to default off for backwards 
compatibility of course. This would allow users to use only the SQL 
standard quoting rules, and still get proper error messages if they make 
a typographical error.

Dennis Cote
sqlite-users mailing list

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