  thanks for the tip on the hex. now i can see my
entry of the blob. my original loop to fill the
dynamic array with unsigned shorts was this:

imageArray = new unsigned short[10];

for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
  imageArray[i] = i;

so now if i run the program then do a:

select imageID, hex(imageData) from Images;

i get the result:


i am not sure where the first 2 leading zeros are
coming from but that looks to be ok. 

now i need to be able to extract the data back out of
the blob with sqlite3_column_blob and
sqlite3_column_bytes so that i can repopulate an
unsigned short array. 

if i have multiple blobs in the table Images how would
i go about retrieving back all this information? 

somehow though i would think that i would need the
number of blob entries in the database to make this

for(int i = 0; i < blob_entries; i++)
  numBytes = sqlite3_column_bytes(statement, i);
  sqlite3_column_blob(statement, i);

--what do you think? thanks all for the help. its

--- Dennis Cote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> C S wrote:
> > 
> > i get nothing. i have a printout statement to make
> > sure an imageID was created and it was
> successfully.
> > the array is indeed dynamic and has to be. to echo
> > this is what i have:
> > 
> > myString = "insert into Images(imageID, imageData)
> > values(?, ?);
> > 
> > status = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, myString.c_str(),
> -1,
> > &statement, NULL);
> > 
> > void *blob = reinterpretcast<char *>(imageArray);
> > 
> This should be:
> void *blob = reinterpretcast<void *>(imageArray);
> > status = sqlite3_bind_blob(statement, 2, blob, 10
> *
> > sizeof(unsigned short), SQLITE_STATIC);
> > 
> > statusu = sqlite3_finalize(statement);
> > 
> You need to execute the insert statement before you
> finalize it. You 
> have created and destroyed the statement, but have
> not executed it. Add 
> the following between the two statements above:
> status = sqlite3_step(statement);
> if (status != SQLITE_OK) {
>      //process error
> }
> > 
> > however when i do:
> > 
> > select * from Images;
> > 
> To dump the blob data in a human readable format you
> could use the hex() 
> SQL function. It will display each byte of the blob
> as two ASCII 
> characters that correspond to the hexadecimal value
> of the byte.
> select imageID, hex(imageData) from Images;
> Dennis Cote
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