That's funny to me...the only other person I know who used the word
'copacetic' was a former team leader in my office, in an email he wrote
years ago. I had to check the dictionary to find out what 'copacetic'
means. I think it's very funny to see the word used again in a software


P Kishor wrote:
> On 3/13/08, Lloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi Punkish,
>>  I think after installing the library, and making the path entry in
>>  the /etc/ (If it is not there), simply running the "ldconfig"
>>  command will serve your need.
> Ya, thanks. That did it. Knowing nothing about Linux, I had no idea
> where ldconfig was hiding. Well, it was in /sbin, and of course, /sbin
> is not in the path.
> Anyway, it all is copacetic now. And, thankfully, I am back in the
> more comfortable arms of my Mac for now.
>>  Regards,
>>   Lloyd
>>  On Thu, 2008-03-13 at 12:09 -0500, P Kishor wrote:
>>  > I am not at all conversant with RH Linux (RHEL-es3). I have just
>>  > compiled sqlite3.5.6 from amalgamation, and I get the error that
>>  > can't be found. I did the following
>>  >
>>  > ../configure
>>  > make && make install
>>  >
>>  > sqlite3 is place in /usr/local/bin
>>  > and is placed in /usr/local/lib
>>  >
>>  > [12:07 PM] /usr/local/lib$ ls -l libsql*
>>  > -rw-r--r--    1 root       765640 Mar 13 11:51 libsqlite3.a
>>  > -rwxr-xr-x    1 root          828 Mar 13 11:51*
>>  > lrwxrwxrwx    1 root           19 Mar 13 11:51 ->
>>  >*
>>  > lrwxrwxrwx    1 root           19 Mar 13 11:51 ->
>>  >*
>>  > -rwxr-xr-x    1 root       679734 Mar 13 11:51*
>>  >
>>  >
>>  > of course ldd -v does say
>>  >
>>  > [12:03 PM] ~$ ldd -v /usr/local/bin/sqlite3
>>  > => not found
>>  >
>>  > What extra step do I have to take on this computer to make sqlite3
>>  > work properly?
>>  >
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