I just create table as below:
       CREATE TABLE msglog (uuid varchar primary key,uid varchar,...)
 After several days run, I found something very strange in it;
     I exec sql: select rowid,* from msglog where rowid >53 and rowid < 55 and 
msgtype='TM' order by uuid
     then I get two rows:
         rowid                     uuid                    time
          54      {EE44A54B-6502-4566-A513-D167255BDB7E}  1207635900  TM
          54      {EE44A54B-6502-4566-A513-D167255BDB7E}  1207636764  TM
     I exec sql: select rowid,* from msglog where rowid=54 and msgtype='TM' 
order by uuid
     then I get this:
         rowid                     uuid                    time
          54      {EE44A54B-6502-4566-A513-D167255BDB7E}  1207636764  TM
why primary key and rowid can appear twice?
anybody know this?
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