Rich Rattanni wrote:>Hi I have a general design question.  I have the
following senario...

>In an embedded system running linux 2.6.2x I have a sqlite database
>constantly being updated with data acquired by the system.  I cant
>lose data (hence why I am using sqlite in the first place).  However
>periodically I have download the data contain within the database to a
>central server.  The system cannot stall during the download and must
>continue to record data.  Also, after the download I need to shrink
>the database size, simply because if the database is allowed to grow
>to its max size (~50MB) then every download thereafter would be 50MB,
>which is unacceptable.

After thinking in your's problem, according to yours first exposition, it 
seems that you are using the SQLite dbase as a mere tampon or 
temporarybuffer to the acquired data.  In that condition, with no further 
process of those data in the embedded system, perhaps you can consider 
simply write a flat file appending to it the incoming data (may be 
alternating between two or more files) and then compress and send the data 
to the host where they can be further processed or appended to a dbase.

>From the security point of view, the data in the embedded device are not 
necesarily  safer in a SQLite dbase that in a flat file.  Perhaps that 
layer(SQLite) are not necessary at all in the embedded device.

Just thinking out loud :-)


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