> Note: You cannot use these functions from the sqlite3 program, you
> must write your own program using the sqlite3 API, and call
> sqlite3_enable_load_extension.  See "Security Considerations" in
> http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/wiki?p=LoadableExtensions.

I can load other extensions and use them.

> When I try your load from the command line, I get a similar
> (but not the same) error.
>  sqlite> SELECT load_extension('./libsqlitefunctions.so');
>  SQL error: ./libsqlitefunctions.so: undefined symbol: sqrt
> and I certainly have a sqrt function and use these extensions
> without problems.  So I guess it's a symptom of the security feature
> in sqlite that prohibits loading extensions.

sqlite> SELECT load_extension('./libsqlitefunctions.so');
SQL error: ./libsqlitefunctions.so: undefined symbol: log
sqlite> select sqrt(1);
SQL error: no such function: sqrt

> On the chance that log is not defined for your environment.
> I recommend you change the line
> #define HAVE_LOG10 1
> to
> #define HAVE_LOG10 0
> and try again.

I try with no effect.
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