On 11/12/08, Baskaran Selvaraj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hi Donald,
>   1. Size of the SQLite Database : 43 MB.
>   2. Number of tables  : 45
>   3. Maximum number of rows in a table is around 75,000

Why don't you just dump the SQLite db and import that into SQL Server?
If you want to automate that, a few lines of Perl will do the job more
quickly than an elongated thread on the mailing list.

>  We initially tried with few tables  and it was not always successful but 
> after we got to 45 tables,
>  we did not use SQLite ODBC driver at all.
>  Rght now, I am using SQL Maestro Data Wizard. This tool has a feature to 
> automate data import using templates
>  but since we have exceed the ini file limitation of 64 KB, I have to run it 
> using the wizard each time not automation.
>  Right now, using the Data Wizard tool, it takes like 30 minutes to import 
> all the data.
>  Thanks
>  Baskaran
>  > Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2008 11:46:16 -0500> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: 
> sqlite-users@sqlite.org> Subject: Re: [sqlite] SQLite Import Tool> > 
> Greetings, Baskaran,> > Regarding: "SQLite ODBC driver takes hours for data 
> transfer and most of> the time it is not success."> > > Rather than folks on 
> the list providing method after method, it might be> helpful for you to give 
> some further information, such as:> > -- Just approximately, how much data 
> are you converting regularly.> I.e., how many megabytes , tables, and rows 
> are involved?> > > -- You mention that you are now doing this "manually". 
> Could you> elaborate? Does this mean you're dumping the data to some text 
> format,> then importing into sqlite with, perhaps the sqlite3.exe> 
> command-line-tool? If so, might simply adding a batch script to this> process 
> give you the automation you need? > > -- How long does the manual conversion 
> take to run? > > -- Have you determined which of your tables is giving you 
> the problem?> How far into your conversion are you getting?> > 
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