I have a table with the following fields:

        {"Id",                  "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT"},
        {"ParentId",            "INTEGER"},
        {"Name",                "TEXT"},
        {"Unread",              "INTEGER"},
        {"Open",                "INTEGER"},
        {"ItemType",    "INTEGER"},
        {"Sort",                "INTEGER"},
        {"Threaded",    "INTEGER"},

And I prepare a statement using the SQL:

        insert into MyTable values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)

Then a bind the values to that statement and write it to the DB. That all works 
except for the TEXT field "Name". I'm calling sqlite3_bind_text like this:

        char *Name = "Something";       
        sqlite3_bind_text(Stmt, 3, (const char*)Name, -1, SQLITE_STATIC);

And it return SQLITE_OK, however the value in the DB is NULL, or an empty 
string. Certainly not the "Something" I pass in. All the integer fields are 
written successfully so I know it's mostly working. The string is valid utf-8, 
null terminated C-string.

What am I missing here?
Matthew Allen

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