On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 8:12 AM, Derek Developer
<derekdevelo...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I have read and searched but I am not able to get the following statement to 
> run:
> SELECT MyID, Zip FROM TableOne d LEFT OUTER JOIN DatabseTwo.sdb.TableTwo n ON 
> n.MyID=d.MyID WHERE d.Zip > 80000 ORDER BY d.Zip
> I just get error at "."
> I tried specifiying the databse name without the file extension by no joy.
> What am I missing here?

well, for one, do you have an "ATTACH 'DatabseTwo.sdb' AS db2" first?

If yes, you could do

FROM TableOne d LEFT OUTER JOIN db2.TableTwo n ON n.MyID=d.MyID
WHERE d.Zip > 80000 ORDER BY d.Zip
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