On 14/03/2009 9:45 PM, Derek Developer wrote:
> To make it really easy, I have created three .sql files and an application 
> that is NOT command line akward. There are three .sql files with the 
> statements needed to create two databases and execute the outer join.
> Drag and drop them onto the application to execute them...
> http://www.transferbigfiles.com/Get.aspx?id=ebd730fd-17ad-45c9-a341-43d078b118e3

An application?? Do you mean an executable program (for an unspecified 
platform)??? And that's not "akward"???

All you need is the minimal SQL needed to demonstrate your problem, in a 
form compatible with the sqlite3 command-line program, along the lines 
already suggested to you. Then anyone on a platform different to yours 
should be able to reproduce the problem, and test suggested changes. 
Nobody is going to run your exe in a pink fit.

Below you will see the results of running your 3 scripts using the 
3.6.10 command-line program [downloaded from the official SQLite site] 
on Windows XP SP3. You will note that it is quite happy to process your 
outer join, with no error messages.

For your next gig, you may like to show us the *source* of your application.

=== start of results ===
  Volume in drive C has no label.
  Volume Serial Number is 3A81-BA67

  Directory of C:\devel\sqlite3\derek

14/03/2009  11:13 PM    <DIR>          .
14/03/2009  11:13 PM    <DIR>          ..
14/03/2009  03:21 AM               156 Db1.LeftOuterJoin.sql
14/03/2009  03:08 AM               976 Db1.sql
14/03/2009  03:08 AM               346 Db2.sql
                3 File(s)          1,478 bytes
                2 Dir(s)  23,708,524,544 bytes free

C:\devel\sqlite3\derek>..\sqlite3 -echo Db1.Sql3 <Db1.sql
create table episodes ( id integer primary key, season int, name text );
INSERT INTO "episodes" VALUES(0, NULL, 'Good News Bad News');
INSERT INTO "episodes" VALUES(1, 1, 'Male Unbonding');
INSERT INTO "episodes" VALUES(2, 1, 'The Stake Out');
INSERT INTO "episodes" VALUES(3, 1, 'The Robbery');
INSERT INTO "episodes" VALUES(4, 1, 'The Stock Tip');
INSERT INTO "episodes" VALUES(5, 2, 'The Ex-Girlfriend');
INSERT INTO "episodes" VALUES(6, 2, 'The Pony Remark');
INSERT INTO "episodes" VALUES(7, 2, 'The Busboy');
INSERT INTO "episodes" VALUES(8, 2, 'The Baby Shower');
INSERT INTO "episodes" VALUES(9, 2, 'The Jacket');
INSERT INTO "episodes" VALUES(10, 2, 'The Chinese Restaurant');
INSERT INTO "episodes" VALUES(11, 2, 'The Phone Message');
INSERT INTO "episodes" VALUES(12, 2, 'The Apartment');
INSERT INTO "episodes" VALUES(13, 2, 'The Stranded');
INSERT INTO "episodes" VALUES(14, 2, 'The Statue');
Select * from episodes;
0||Good News Bad News
1|1|Male Unbonding
2|1|The Stake Out
3|1|The Robbery
4|1|The Stock Tip
5|2|The Ex-Girlfriend
6|2|The Pony Remark
7|2|The Busboy
8|2|The Baby Shower
9|2|The Jacket
10|2|The Chinese Restaurant
11|2|The Phone Message
12|2|The Apartment
13|2|The Stranded
14|2|The Statue

C:\devel\sqlite3\derek>..\sqlite3 -echo Db2.Sql3 <Db2.sql
create table foods( id integer primary key, type_id integer, name text );
INSERT INTO "foods" VALUES(1, 1, 'Bagels');
INSERT INTO "foods" VALUES(2, 1, 'Bagels, raisin');
INSERT INTO "foods" VALUES(4, 1, 'Bear Claws');
INSERT INTO "foods" VALUES(8, 1, 'Carrot Cake');
INSERT INTO "foods" VALUES(13, 1, 'Cinnamon Bobka');
Select * from foods;
2|1|Bagels, raisin
4|1|Bear Claws
8|1|Carrot Cake
13|1|Cinnamon Bobka

C:\devel\sqlite3\derek>..\sqlite3 -echo Db1.Sql3 <Db1.LeftOuterJoin.sql
ATTACH 'Db2.sql3' AS Db2;
SELECT d.id, d.season, d.name, n.name  FROM episodes d LEFT OUTER JOIN 
Db2.foods n ON n.id=d.id WHERE d.id > 2 ORDER BY d.season;
3|1|The Robbery|
4|1|The Stock Tip|Bear Claws
5|2|The Ex-Girlfriend|
6|2|The Pony Remark|
7|2|The Busboy|
8|2|The Baby Shower|Carrot Cake
9|2|The Jacket|
10|2|The Chinese Restaurant|
11|2|The Phone Message|
12|2|The Apartment|
13|2|The Stranded|Cinnamon Bobka
14|2|The Statue|

=== end of results ===
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