On Wed, 25 Mar 2009 15:24:47 +0100, Günter Obiltschnig
<guenter.obiltsch...@appinf.com> wrote:

>Hi there,
>I have just upgraded SQLite in our application from 3.5.5 to 3.6.11  
>(we are using the amalgamation), and I have noticed a sharp drop in  
>insert performance to more than half the speed that we had with 3.5.5.  
>We are using SQLite in an embedded Linux device, and the database  
>files are on a CompactFlash device.
>The inserts are being done into an initially empty table with 28  
>columns, and all inserts (can be more than 100000) are done within one  
>large transaction, using a prepared insert statement. One additional  
>unique index on a single column is used on the table as well.

Sounds good.

>With 3.5.5, inserting 1000 rows into that table took about 7 seconds,  
>with 3.6.11 it takes 14-16 seconds.
>We are using PRAGMA synchronous = OFF and a cache size of 6000 pages.  
>The main reason why we updated was because we experienced memory  
>issues with 3.5.5. Reducing the cache size (PRAGMA cache_size) would  
>not release memory.
>Any ideas what causes this?

Is the page_size the same in both cases?
Does the page_size fit the I/O unity of the Compact Flash?
(the default is not always optimal)

For releasing cache memory, have a look at

>Apart from that we are very happy with sqlite. A big thank you to 
>D. Richard Hipp and everyone who contributed to this great peace of  


>Thanks and best regards,
  (  Kees Nuyt
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